Recommendation Letter for Doctor

No matter which field it is, professional people always have to write recommendations and get recommended by others. This has become a common practice to write a letter of recommendation. In hospitals, the recommendation letter is written for doctors also. With the help of this letter, the aspiring doctor gets the opportunity to work in the hospital.

When to write the doctor’s recommendation letter?

When there is an empty position in the hospital for a doctor and you as a doctor know another doctor who you think is capable of working in that job position, you should write this recommendation letter. However, it is important to remember that you don’t recommend someone who lacks a professional attitude.

It has been told earlier, recommendation letters have a lot of significance in the professional world, doctors are required to keep a good relationship with other colleagues so that they can get recommendations easily.

Things to remember while writing a recommendation letter:

When you are writing the recommendation letter, you should remember the following details:

  1. The recommendation letter should focus on the skills that you have seen in the doctor you are recommending. In this situation, you are suggested to talk about only those skills that you have actually seen in him. In other words, there is no need to exaggerate.
  2. If you have experience working with the doctor you are recommending, tell the recipient about that experience. Also, tell me whether it was good or not.
  3. You can also mention the qualification and other details of the doctor that you think are essential for the recipient to know about the doctor being recommended.
  4. Write everything briefly and in the context of the job position, you are writing a recommendation for.

Sample letter:

To: (generally the hospital authority)

Subject: Recommendation letter for [Doctor Name]

This is recommendation letter which is being written on behalf of Dr. ABC who has served as a doctor in XYZ hospital for almost ten years. Dr. ABC has shown keen interest in his profession and always remained enthusiastic during his job period.

Dr. ABC has shown great administrative qualities during this all time. Occasionally, when I go out of the city or state, he takes over the management work that I am supposed to do. I am pretty much sure that he has all the necessary capabilities to manage and handle all those responsibilities that he might get during his service in the cardiology department.

Mr. ABC has handled lots of challenging tasks with great insight. He has played a significant role in improving the administration of the cardiology department. One of his major skills is choosing the most appropriate staff for the cardio ward. In my view, his expertise and skill set can bring a lot of positive changes to our community.

I am very much pleased to recommend Mr. ABC for the position of senior doctor in the cardiology department. You can contact me any time for further queries.