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Instructions for Pre-Registration of Hindu Marriage
Applicability of Hindu Marriage
- Both Bride and Bridegroom should belong to Hindu/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh by Religion
- Either the Bride/Bride-groom (or) both are domicile to Territory of Puducherry
- Neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage
- The Bridegroom has completed the age of Twenty-one (21) years and the Bride age of Eighteen (18) years at the time of marriage
- Marriage should have been done through Temple (or) Marriage Hall(Iyer) (or) Suyamariyathai (or) Seerthiruththa marriage
List of Documents to be Uploaded
- Groom Photo
- Groom Signature
- Bride Photo
- Bride Signature
- Groom Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Groom Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Groom ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Bride Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Bride Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Bride ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Witness ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Solemnization Certificate / Iyer Certificate
- Marriage Invitation
- Applicants can fill the application and book appointment for the date of registration through e-Thirumanam Portal
- At the time of registration the Bride,Bride-groom,any one of the parent of bride and bridegroom and Three witnesses must appear before the sub-registrar
- All must bring any one of their original photo ID proof at the time of registration
- After competition of verification by the Sub-Registrar and Photo & signature capturing the marriage certificates shall be issued
- SMS updates will be given to the applicant’s mobile number at every stage
I read the above instructions *
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Instructions for Pre-Registration of Special Marriage
Applicability of Special Marriage
- Either the Bride/Bride-groom (or) both are domicile to Territory of Puducherrry
- Any person belonging to any Religion as mentioned under Special Marriage Act, 1954
- Marriage should have been solemnized already
- A ceremony of marriage has been performed between the parties and they have been living together as husband and wife ever since
- Neither party has at the time of registration more than one spouse living
- Neither party is an idiot or a lunatic at the time of registration
- Both the parties have have been completed the age of Twenty-one (21) years at the time of registration
- The parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship
List of Documents to be Uploaded
- Groom Photo
- Groom Signature
- Bride Photo
- Bride Signature
- Groom Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Groom Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Groom ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Bride Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Bride Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Bride ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Witness ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Solemnization Certificate / Iyer Certificate
- Marriage Invitation
- After submission of the application, with all the required documents a notice of special marriage for a period of 30 Days will be displayed
- After completion of 30 Days of notice, marriage will be conducted at the preferred date(Subjected to availability)
- At the time of registration the Bride,Bride-groom and Three witnesses must appear before the sub-registrar
- All the parties must bring any one of their original photo ID proof at the time of registration
- After competition of verification by the Sub-Registrar and Photo & signature capturing the marriage certificates shall be issued
- SMS updates will be given to the applicant’s mobile number at every stage
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Instructions for Pre-Registration of Intended Marriage
Applicability of Intended Marriage
- Either the Bride/Bride-groom (or) both are domicile to Territory of Puducherrry
- Any person belonging to any Religion as mentioned under Special Marriage Act, 1954
- The Marriage to be solemnized and registered before the sub-registrar
- Neither party is incapable of giving a valid consent to it in consequence of unsoundness of mind
- Neither party though capable of giving a valid consent, has been suffering from mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as to be unfit for marriage and the procreation of children
- Neither party has been subject to recurrent attacks of insanity
- The Bride-Groom should have completed the age of Twenty-one (21) years and Bride the age of Eighteen (18) years at the time of submission of application
- The parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship
List of Documents to be Uploaded
- Groom Photo
- Groom Signature
- Bride Photo
- Bride Signature
- Groom Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Groom Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Groom ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Bride Age Proof (Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet)
- Bride Resident Proof (Ration Card/Voter ID)
- Bride ID Proof (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Witness ID Proofs (Aadhaar(or)Passport)
- Witness Signatures
- After submission of the application, with all the required documents a notice of intended marriage for a period of 30 Days will be displayed
- After completion of period of 30 Days notice, marriage will be conducted at the preferred date(Subjected to availability)
- At the time of registration the Bride,Bride-groom and Three witnesses must appear before the sub-registrar
- All must bring any one of their original photo ID proof at the time of registration
- After competition of verification by the Sub-Registrar and Photo & signature capturing the marriage certificates shall be issued
- SMS updates will be given to the applicant’s mobile number at every stage
I read the above instructions *
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Who can avail MCC?
- Marriage Certificate can be applied and downloaded only if all the process of Marriage registrations are completed
- Marriage Certificate Number, Marriage Date, Groom DOB and Bride DOB is required in this process
2) How do I get Encumbrance Certificate
- By selecting relevant Region , SRO, Village name and entering the RS/TS No. Apply for EC
- Once application approved by SRO you can download the Certificate
3) List of Documents to be Submitted
- Birth Proof for both Bride and Bride-Groom Birth Certificate(or)Transfer Certificate(or)Mark Sheet
- Voter ID Card/Aadhar Card/Passport/Driving License of both Bride and Bride-Groom
- Ration Card for Both Bride and Bride-Groom
- Solemnization Certificate issued by Iyer/Priest/Kazi (Original)
- Marriage Invitation (Original)