
Police Promotion Exams from 100+ Textbooks!

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion ExamsTaking Promotion Exams? Do You Want to Finish at the TOP of the List? Then Give Yourself a REAL Advantage Over the Competition!

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Study with up to 500+ Test Questions and Answers from EACH of the 100+ Major Textbooks!

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion ExamsFree Login and 10-Step Study System

Real Exams

You will use our expert study system and take your choice of real police promotion exams with up to 500+ test questions and answers from EACH of the 100+ major textbooks used in exams for Detective, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and upper-management ranks. We are PolicePromotion.com, the authors of over One Hundred Thousand validated police promotion exam questions from hundreds of textbooks. Starting at less than 60 cents a day you have 24/7 unlimited use of our online exams, flashcards and Learning Management System (LMS). You can use your smartphone, tablet, Chromebook, desktop or laptop. You will also receive PDF files to print as flashcards and to use as self-scoring exams.

Real Results

There is a lot riding on this - pay, future pension, prestige, as well as a sense of career accomplishment as you climb up the ranks. You need the best tools available in order to achieve your promotion! We were the first to develop this promotion study system in 1985, and thousands of our clients have been promoted from the TOP of the list. We are the #1 national leader in preparing law officers for their written promotion exams. Over 99% of our clients pass their written promotional exams! BONUS: Available only to our written testing clients - 2 full-length Promotion Oral Board Training Videos from Asst. Chief Bill Reilly (ret) and Finests.com!

Real Guarantee

Exclusive Exam Pass Guarantee: If you follow our proven study system and don't pass - we refund 100% of your membership. Using our expert police promotion study system you will take exams 4 different ways: as PDF printed flashcards, as PDF written exams with score key, and Advanced Online Exams and Online Flashcards. The online Learning Management System (LMS) lets you mark questions for review, tailor your exams and flashcards, add your own notes, and also track your scores and progress. Learn More Try our online exams and flashcards for 12+ of the most popular police promotional textbooks, and download our expert promotion study system "The 10-Steps To Written Exam Mastery" right now - at no cost!

police promotion textbooks

Course Details | The 100+ Exams
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Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Can we help YOU achieve your police promotion? Yes. We've helped THOUSANDS get to the TOP of their promotion list.

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you and your staff for putting together the finest program I have ever had an opportunity to use to prepare for a promotion process! I am happy to say that I tied for the top written test score and placed first in the oral board. As a result I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. I can say without a doubt, I would not have been able to achieve this without the help and use of your program. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to create this outstanding resource."
Lt. Ben Quinnell - Maine - quoted with permission

"This email is long overdue. I used PoliceCareer.com for the second time, and for the second time I got the highest score on a promotional test . I was promoted to Lieutenant in January. The practice tests and flashcards put me over the top, but I scored several points higher than everyone I tested against. Obviously, I'm a satisfied customer and will be telling my friends about your website!" New Lt. in Illinois - quoted with permission Read more testimonials.

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion ExamsDo any of these 6 statements describe YOU?

You have to read through hundreds, maybe even thousands of pages. You're not sure what material is important and will likely be on your exam. You're not sure what study tools to use, or how and where you should begin. You're not sure you are retaining what you read. You need a study system that's easy to follow, with powerful tools and clear instructions. A passing score in the 70's isn't going to do it. You need to be at the TOP of the list!

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion ExamsIf you answered "Yes!" to any or all of these, you've come to the right place! This is how we will help YOU;

Using our Expert Study System , you'll start by taking real police promotion exams with up to 500+ actual test questions from EACH of your textbooks. You'll learn the material thoroughly and quickly - because you'll take exams 4 different ways - online exams and flashcards (you can use a smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac) in a progress-tracking Learning Management System (LMS), as a self-scoring printed PDF file with answer key, and also use printed flashcards you can take and study anywhere. There is NO LIMIT on how many times you can take an exam or use our flashcards. Learn More Exams are professionally written by the experts in our testing company for police agencies - PolicePromotion.com. The hundreds of questions you will receive are actual police promotion test questions and answers written specifically for the material in the textbooks you are studying - AND each question has listed the page number in your textbook where the material appears. These are NOT the simple "Instructor Test Bank" or "End of Chapter" questions. These are NOT generic "sergeant exam" and "lieutenant exam" questions. These ARE the toughest and most comprehensive police promotion exam questions available for each of your specific textbooks. These questions are not available from any other source. Think how much more prepared and confident you'll be when you can easily answer HUNDREDS of real promotion test questions written from EACH of YOUR textbooks! See if we have exams from your police promotion textbooks. We cover 100+ of the professional textbooks written by the best and most highly acclaimed authors in the law enforcement and criminal justice field. If you want to advance in rank, these are the textbooks you should own and study. Enroll Now or scroll down to learn more.
test bank police promotion exams
Course Details | The 100+ Exams
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Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Our testing and study system lead the nation in helping officers and deputies get promoted.

Here's why;

Start TODAY. Start NOW. There are no meetings, seminars or webinars, and no waiting for the U.S. Mail - promotion exams, flashcards and bonus items are all online, and also sent to your email, ready to print. You have UNLIMITED use of our police promotion testing system 24/7 , and the results are there for you instantly. Using your smartphone, tablet, PC or MAC try some short, sample online police promotional exams and flashcards before you enroll. Cost effective and a great value - Choose 30, 90, 120 or 180 days of access, and also receive 50% off on exams for more than 1 textbook. Starting at less than 60 cents a day you have unlimited use of online and printed exams and flashcards, and will take advantage of an Expert Study System designed to help achieve your promotion!

Secure and Private: We insist on your total security and privacy. All our web pages, testing and PDF files and our payment system are Certified Secure by Trusted Site. Your smartphone and computer stay healthy, and your email and all your personal information remains private. Here is our full Security and Privacy Policy.
pass your police sergeant promotion exam We are so sure of our mission of helping you get the promotion that we offer you our exclusive "Pass Your Exam 100% Risk Free" Guarantee! Thousands of our clients have been promoted using our expert study system. Read just a few of the testimonials.

YouTube Video Police Promotion Exams Watch this YouTube Video from Asst. Chief Bill Reilly (ret). Bill explains the advantages of a police promotional testing membership and learning the material in your textbooks using our study system. Enroll Now or scroll down to learn more about our police promotion exams and testing system.

Questions? Contact us, we reply quickly. Learn more about our company police legal exams Law Officers Pocket Manual

Course Details | The 100+ Exams
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Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Take our promotion exams FOUR different ways - and you will MASTER the material:

1 Advanced Online Exams - You will use our dynamic and interactive LMS (Learning Management System) for your online exams and flashcards. The LMS format is widely used to prepare for State Bar exams, for Master's and Doctorate degree programs, and in many other professional preparation courses. Use any smartphone, or any device with a modern browser - and you will log in to our Learning Management System 24/7 and take these online exams covering all the available questions from your textbooks! With these Advanced Online Exams you will:
T rack and graph your scores and improvement
R andomize the questions each time you take an exam
M ark questions for review, so you spend more time learning difficult material
Review the questions, answers and the page number citations right on the screen
Receive an email immediately with the full exam results 24/7, no waiting
Use many more features to help you quickly LEARN and RETAIN the material.
Advanced ONLINE Flashcards - With your police promotional testing membership you can log in and use ONLINE flashcards! Use your smartphone or any web-connected device with a modern browser and you will log in to our Learning Management System 24/7 and use flashcards with all the available questions from your textbooks! These Online Flashcards are the perfect companion to the online exams
Each online flashcard set comes with all the questions we have for that title
Each flashcard has the textbook and page number marked along with the correct answer
With each flashcard you can mark it for review, and enter your own notes right on screen
You have complete control of which flashcards will appear ; all the questions, just those you have marked for review, those you haven't seen yet, those you got wrong one or more times, or just those you have gotten wrong 50% or more of the time. Try the online police promotion exams and flashcards. You can use your smartphone - and there is no cost or obligation.
3 PDF Written Exams with score key - This is especially helpful if your agency will be giving your promotional exam using paper and pencil.
Offline and private
- no web connection required.

4 PDF flashcard format - You also receive the exam questions formatted and ready to print in flashcard size. S tudy offline, privately, study anywhere, and study with family and friends .
Each flashcard file comes with all the police promotion questions we have for that title.
Each flashcard provides the question, possible answers, correct answer , and the title, edition and page number where the material appears.

Our Expert Study System is designed so you will quickly learn and retain the material, and also eliminate test-taking anxiety through constant practice with all 4 of our testing formats. Have any questions? Contact us, we reply quickly!

Enroll Now or scroll down to try our online exams and flashcards.

Promotional exams for police cpl and sgt

Course Details | The 100+ Exams
4 Exam Formats | Try Our Exams
Expert Study System | Bonus Items
Contact Us | Guarantee | Enroll Now

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Try the online exams and flashcards from 12+ of our most popular titles right now - at no cost. Also download our expert study system "The 10 Steps to Written Exam Mastery."

R eceive an immediate email with a temporary User Name and Password and the link to log in and try our system. Use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, Chromebook, Mac or PC to take short, sample Advanced Online Exams and use the Online Flashcards from ALL of the textbooks listed below. Our FULL list of police promotion exams can be found here, with the number of questions on each exam. All your information stays private - here is our Security and Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe with 1-click at any time. Take short, sample exams and use the online flashcards from ALL of these popular police corporal, sergeant, lieutenant and captain promotional exam textbooks: Community Policing A Contemporary Perspective
Community Policing Partnerships for Problem Solving
Criminal Investigation - Hess
Effective Police Supervision
Effective Supervisory Practices - Better Results Through Teamwork
Management and Supervision of Law Enforcement Personnel
Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement
Police Administration - Cordner
Police Administration Structures Processes and Behaviors
Police Field Operations - Adams
Police Field Operations - Theory Meets Practice - Birzer
Police Patrol Operations and Management - Hale
Proactive Police Management
Supervising Police Personnel - Strengths-Based Leadership
Supervision of Police Personnel - Iannone

Police Corporal and Sergeant Promotion

Course Details | The 100+ Exams
4 Exam Formats | Try Our Exams
Expert Study System | Bonus Items
Contact Us | Guarantee | Enroll Now

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams BONUS items included FREE with your police promotion testing course:

BONUS - Video - The Top Ten Oral Board Mistakes - and What To Do Instead! Available only to our clients. This video is not available from any other source. This professional, instructional 20+ minute video was created for the exclusive use of our clients by the national leader in law enforcement promotion oral board preparation. More Info
ADDED BONUS - Video - Exclusive for our Advanced Testing Course clients - Oral Boards Made Easy(tm) Video Module 5 - "Answering Interview Questions." Enroll Now Have any questions? Contact us, we reply quickly!

textbook exams and flashcards for police sergeant

Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Promotion Exams Questions? We are easy to contact:

Support via live chat, text message and rapid email - one of our Police Promotional Exam Technicians will be available to you by live chat, rapid-response email or text message 7 days a week including holidays, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern should you have any questions or problems. Click the chat icon on the right side of each web page. If live chat is not available there will be a blue envelope - click to send us a message. Your email is not saved or shared. Here is our Privacy Policy. Or, d uring Testing Center hours, email us a question and we will respond quickly! You can also TEXT message our on duty staff at 805-751-TEST (8378) with any questions. We will respond as quickly as possible. Your phone number is not saved, or shared. Here is our Privacy Policy. Lt. Paul Patti (ret) Director and CEOMy name is Lt. Paul Patti (ret). I am the Director of Police Career and Promotion Services, LLC. Since 1985, our mission has been to help you achieve your promotion. I lead a team of law enforcement, legal and human resource specialists, available 7 days a week, 365 days a year, ready to help you succeed. Feel free to write to me directly with any questions - Paul@PolicePromotion.com - I will respond as quickly as possible! Enroll Now or scroll down to learn more:
textbook exams police supervision and management

Read what your fellow officers have to say about studying with our police promotion exams and flashcards!

Since 1985 thousands of police officers around the nation have been promoted using our police promotional exams and assessments to prepare. Read what just a few of them have to say.

We want to add YOU to this list!

" I am through the entire process and have been promoted to Lieutenant after finishing first in the process.
I have no doubt that the system used by your company allowed me to excel to the top and without it I would not have done as well.

I did not find the program until late in the process and had no idea it would be as in depth as it is.

The program is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone seeking promotion.
Thank you, Lt. Jason Koetters"

-Quoted with Permission
"I am happy to say that my PoliceCareer.com study materials were on point! " I topped a test taken by 23 other members of my department. I really feel as though the materials I utilized from PoliceCareer.com paved the way for that success. I am happy to report that I was promoted to Sergeant. I will be recommending your materials to others for the next exam. Thank you again for an outstanding product! " New Sergeant in Massachusetts Quoted with permission.
"Just wanted to thank you and your company for the service you provide with the online tests. This is the second time I have used your company. 5 years ago I used your online tests to help me and I was promoted to Corporal. Several months ago I again enrolled with your company to prepare for the upcoming Sergeants test. Today I just found out I finished #1 on the Sergeants exam and will be promoted in a few weeks! I read the books and took the practice exams and scored a 91 on my test and also scored very high on my oral boards! So thanks again!" Sincerely, Sgt. CJ, Pennsylvania
Quoted with permission.
" Out of 50 applicants, I scored #1 with the help of your exams. My partner also purchased the First-line Supervisors exams and he placed #3. Thank you for your assistance!" New Supervisor in Ohio Quoted with permission. "I used your program to prepare for the Sergeant's exam at my department. Your program was very helpful and relevant to the written test I took.

I scored 94% percent on the exam and placed #2 overall among all the candidates.

I was promoted to Sergeant last week and your program was an important part of my success.

"I will absolutely come back to your program when the opportunity to test for Lieutenant arises."

Sergeant Roy V. – California Quoted with permission. "I wanted to thank your company for the help testing for both the written and oral promotional exams for lieutenant. I received a 94 on written and top score on oral boards, and I will promoted to lieutenant! Please do post my email. It's a great program and will help anyone willing to put the time into studying for the test." Thanks again Lt. DB, Ohio. Quoted with permission. "Sir, I would first like to thank you for the time and effort you put into your product. This was my first promotional test and I had no clue what to expect. I found every aspect of the online learning and downloadable tests priceless in my preparation. I not only achieved the highest score on our written exam, I beat everyone else by 10+ points. Going into my oral assessment I knew that I had to score very high due to seniority and the overall weight of the assessment. Utilizing your online video resources for a better oral assessment gave me the edge I needed. Again, I placed first on my oral assessment with an overall 69 out of 75. I will quote my chief when she gave me the news of my new promotion, "it wasn't even close." I can only thank you for assisting those committed individuals to achieving their goals. " Sincerely, Sgt. JF, Ohio
Quoted with permission. Note: online video resources courtesy of our affiliate Finests.com
"I just wanted to give some feedback regarding my experience with your site. I recently took a Sergeant promotional exam at my agency and used your website at the urging of some co-workers. I am happy to report I finished #1 overall and was immediately promoted to the position of Sergeant! I studied for the written exam using the flashcards and practice tests on a daily basis. I know this study material helped me focus and provided direction for my efforts.
I found your program to be a worthy investment and will continue to recommend your services to other members of my department in the future."

New Sergeant in CA -
Quoted with permission.
"I joined your website last December. Putting myself on a strict schedule and taking over fifty tests on the site, I was preparing for the Lieutenant Promotional Exam with my agency.

Well, now that both portions of the test are over, I am happy to say that I finished first in the process. "

Mark Catania, CT
Quoted with permission.

"Dear PoliceCareer Testing Center, In March of this year, I bought four of your testing materials and used your oral board videos. I was one of seventeen officers that tested for Lt. After two months of studying using your materials, I came out in first place and now am a Lt. at my department. I could not have done this without your study materials and videos. THANK YOU. " Lt. CR, Tennessee Quoted with permission "Just got the good news, that I've been promoted to sergeant!

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that without Policecareer.com, this never would have happened."

- Sgt. Steve L., PA - Quoted with permission.

"I just wanted to thank you for this site! It really made me focus 110% on the testing process. I would not have known how much needed to go into preparation if it were not for you!

I finished #2 out of 46 overall and am getting promoted November 7th. "

- Christine K, MI- Quoted with permission.
"I just wanted to thank you and will be a believer in this program forever. I recently tested for the rank of Sergeant. After reading the books and practicing with your tests, on test day I felt very little nervousness and was completely prepared. I was just called by the Chief and he told me I was promoted to Sergeant! Thanks again, for I know I wouldn’t have done as well had I not utilized your services. I will definitely be recommending this service to future sergeant candidates." - Sgt. R. Reed, MO- Quoted with permission.

"I recently purchased and utilized your website for my department's sergeant position.

I read the many testimonials and felt compelled to relay my success as well.

I also placed first on the written test and received the promotion of Sergeant. Thanks again, money well spent!"

Sgt. R. Kohli - OH - Quoted with permission.

"As a result of your exams and information I finished 11 on a list of over 350 and was recently promoted to Lieutenant!

Lt. Anthony Buchanico - PA - Quoted with permission.
"I used your tests and preparatory interview questions to get myself ready for the challenge.

I am pleased to inform you that I scored first on both the written test and the oral interview. I am going to be promoted from the rank of corporal to the rank of sergeant on December 21.

Thank you again for offering this program!"

Sgt. Jason Negron, PA - Quoted with permission.

"With your assistance I was able to come out FIRST on the list.

I would recommend your testing site to anyone preparing for a promotional exam. Thanks!!"

James George, TX - Quoted with permission.

"After reading and studying the books required by my department, I began taking your tests. I ended up finishing second with a score of 97.

I was recently promoted and can happily say that without your tests, I would not be wearing my stripes today.

Thank you PoliceCareer.com!"

Sergeant Paul E. Kostick, Florida Quoted with permission.

"I studied this past summer using your methods and I scored number ONE on the lieutenant's exam and was promoted!

Thank you very much for your guidance!"

Lt. Jeff Twardzik, Michigan - Quoted with permission

"I just wanted to add my name to the list of success stories. I used the tools on your site and came out number one on the exam and on the promotion list.

Thank you and I will recommend your site to my friends."

Sgt. Jodie Warren
Prince George County (VA) Police Department - Quoted with permission.

"I purchased your material to study for my Sergeant promotional exam. I studied regularly.

Over 90 police officers took the test and I scored the best, #1 on the list. "

St. Croix , Virgin Islands - Quoted with permission.
THREE Top Scores in One Agency!

I passed our written Sergeant's exam with the highest score out of the 11 people taking it. ALSO one Sergeant and one Lieutenant taking the exams also joined your site and they also passed their exams with the TOP SCORES!

J. McCune, Ohio - Quoted with permission.
"Dear PoliceCareer.com -

You have helped me get promoted to Lieutenant!

My score was the highest on the written test and I finished #1 overall!

Lt. Shane Wimer, CA - Quoted with permission.
"I just wanted to let you know how effective your system is! Your tests enabled me to finish #1 on our promotional list for Sergeant, and I was promoted! Absolutely the best money I could have spent!"

Chris Porter - New Sergeant in Pennsylvania - Quoted with permission.
" I scored second on my recent Sergeant promotional testing and was only 0.43 points behind number one.

I had my promotion ceremony last week and take over my shift of officers tonight.

Thank you again."

Michael Hogan, Florida Quoted with permission.

"I just wanted to thank you and let you know I took our Sergeant written promotional test and passed for the first time in three years.

BUT not only did I pass, I received the second highest written score! Thanks a lot! PoliceCareer.com was a big help!"

Carlos Macias, California - Quoted with permission.

"I just wanted to write and thank you for your services. I received my test scores today and am very happy to say that I scored #1 overall and I will be promoted next Thursday!"

Bryan Cammarata
Naugatuck, CT - Quoted with permission.

"I scored FIRST on the written test with a score of 96% and I also scored FIRST in the Assessment center.

I KNOW that without your help on both the test and "in-basket", I would not have scored as high as I have. I finished FIRST overall with a final combined score of 97.8% and I get promoted to Sergeant next Wednesday!"

New Sgt. in Ohio - Quoted with permission.

"I took the Philadelphia PD Sergeant exam in February.

With the help of your tests and flash cards I was able to come out #1 on my promotional exam out of 2,000 applicants.

I would recommend you guys to everyone. Thanks you so much!"

Member From Philadelphia PD - Quoted with permission.

"I am very proud to say that after many hours of studying and preparing for the exam it is finally over but most importantly that I have come out #1 overall.

The on-line testing was also extremely valuable in answering some of my oral board questions.

Thank you for your prompt attention to my questions during my pre-exam studying.

Keep up the great work!"

Stephen Prajer, CT - Quoted with permission. " Y our exam allowed me to identify weaknesses in my study routine. I bought it 3 days before my test and took it multiple times, using it with my text book to drill down where the questions came from. I scored #1 on the written exam out of 60 people sitting for the Lt exam. "

Member From Austin, TX - Quoted with permission. " The flash cards were a great help in acing the detective test for my department, and the desktop exam was a great tool to help track my progress. Separate yourself from the rest of the pack - highly recommended!."

- Member from Philadelphia PD - Quoted with permission. " I had the high score on my department's Sergeant promotional test. The flash cards were easy to use and allowed for repetitive studying while on the go. I spent a lot of time going over the flash cards while waiting to pick the kids up from school or practice. Great investment"

- Member from Warren, MI - Quoted with permission.

police ranks

Top Ten Police Oral Board Mistakes

BONUS 20+ Minute Video!
"The Top Ten Oral Board Mistakes - and What To Do Instead!"

Available only to our clients.
This video is not available from any other source. It was created for the exclusive use of our clients by the national leader in law enforcement promotion oral board preparation - Asst. Chief (ret) Bill Reilly of Finest's Professional Development.


What is the KEY to a natural, confident and complete oral board presentation?

What is the BEST TIME to schedule your interview - and which time slot should you AVOID?

What is the BEST WAY to respond to a question when you simply do not know the answer?

What are the BEST WORDS to use at the end of your introduction?

What is the BEST WAY to structure your summary statement?

What is the BEST WAY to END an answer during the questioning phase?

What is ABSOLUTELY THE WORST WAY to end your oral board interview?

And . what you should do instead.

ADDED BONUS - Oral Boards Made Easy(tm) Video Module 5 - "Answering Interview Questions."

police ranks

Included in a Police Career Premium Membership is an In-Basket Assessment

Clients using our Police Career PREMIUM Package can also take our example Police Promotion In-Basket Assessment - a timed, 90 minute, difficult, 12+ item in-basket originally designed for a Lieutenant / Captain / Commander promotion process. Request information about our Police Career Premium Membership. Regardless of rank you are testing for , this practice in-basket will identify your: problem analysis organizational ability decisiveness initiative judgment and general supervisory and management knowledge and skills. You can use this in-basket exercise to practice with as often as you like.

Think in-basket assessments are EASY? They're NOT, and you'll see why.

You don't just read a few phone messages and emails and jot down a few notes.

An in-basket assessment you will undergo for a police promotion contains pages and pages of background material and takes a great deal of concentration and organizational ability, and the ability to work quickly under pressure.

You must also study pages of material such as: background narrative complicated work scenarios schedules calendars organizational charts and you must take accurate and detailed notes.

Then you are presented with a detailed scenario along with 10 to 20 in-basket items, all the while a clock is ticking down the time. Here are some of the dimensions you are graded on in an in-basket assessment center exercise;

Comprehension ability

Written communication ability

Verbal communication ability

Planning and organization

Problem analysis

Ability to take risks





At the conclusion of the in-basket you are interviewed by the assessors. Your notes are reviewed and discussed with you, and you are judged on: how quickly and thoroughly you analyze the material and scenarios how quickly and accurately you complete the many items in the assessment how accurate and complete your written notes are how well you verbalize your analysis, actions, conclusions and responses to the assessors.

Finally, your overall rating also takes into account how thorough and knowledgeable you were on your analysis and action on each item, and whether you properly delegated or handled the material.

Do you know that 1/3 - 1/2 of police promotional candidates FAIL their first in-basket assessment because they walk in, unprepared, thinking it will be EASY? They are then shocked and surprised at what they find. Don't be one of these candidates. PREPARE NOW.

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police ranks

Attorney-Written Police Legal Exams

Your choice of exams for your Advanced Police Promotion Testing Course includes Attorney-written police promotion questions from the newest and some older editions of the following police legal titles;

Law Officer's Pocket Manual
Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement Legal Guide for Police - Constitutional Issues Civil Liability in Criminal Justice As well as state law enforcement legal exams for; California Connecticut Florida Illinois Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania Texas Washington D.C. More states coming soon!
Enroll Now
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Study System | Bonus Items
Contact Us | Guarantee | Enroll Now

police promotion exam pass guarantee
Our "Pass Your Exam 100% Risk Free" Guarantee!

We are so sure that our testing products and services will help you achieve your promotion that we give you a "Pass Your Exam 100% Risk Free" GUARANTEE! If you follow all the steps below and don't pass - we refund 100% of your membership. It's that simple. Of course, we want you to ACE your exam, come out #1 on the promotion list, and get that promotion - just as thousands of our other police promotion clients have! We know you want that also, so here's what you need to do : First step - Sign up for our 90-day or longer police promotion course. If we have the exams, choose them for each of the textbooks on your department exam announcement. Next - Purchase or rent each of the assigned textbooks. Next - download and utilize our study system. Next - Practice with and PASS our Advanced Online Exams for each of your books . Of course, these are just the common-sense things you need to do to come out #1 on the promotion list . However, if you FAIL your department written exam after following all the above steps, send us an official copy of your score within 10 days of failing the exam. How can we give you such a guarantee with your police promotional testing membership? Simple! We know our exams and study system WORK! We've been in business since 1985 and have had THOUSANDS of SATISFIED CLIENTS!

Didn't find your police promotional exam title?

Law enforcement promotional exams for many great titles and editions are in the works and coming soon, email us with any questions.

promotion to all ranks in police work

Enroll now - Start Studying for YOUR Law Enforcement Promotion TODAY!

Enroll now using your PayPal account, or PayPal will also process your credit card.

Have a Question? Need Help Fast?

Try our live chat or message window on the lower right. Our Testing Center is open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern 7 days, including holidays. Email Our Testing Center for a quick reply. You can also send a TEXT message to 805-751-TEST (8378) and the on-duty Testing Center Technician will respond quickly during above Testing Center hours. Privacy Policy.

Find YOUR textbooks below. We have difficult and comprehensive police promotion exams for each of these 100+ titles and editions. The number of questions is listed for each title.

Basic Handbook Police Supervision

Email us with any questions. Current Exams, Alphabetical, by title:
Basic Handbook of Police Supervision: a Practical Guide for Law Enforcement Supervisors - Garner 2E - Often used in police Corporal and Sergeant promotion exams, as well as Senior - Master Officer or Senior - Master Deputy exams. 240+ police promotion questions. The exam for the 1st Edition is also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement - Used in police sergeant promotion exams. 10th Edition 2019. 9th and 8th Edition exams also available in the police promotion course. Attorney-written exam with 200+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

California Peace Officers Legal Sourcebook and California Codes
California Peace Officers Legal Sourcebook & California Codes
- written by the California Attorney General and as featured by Enroll now -

Challenging the Law Enforcement Organization - Proactive Leadership StrategiesChallenging the Law Enforcement Organization - Proactive Leadership Strategies UPDATED 2022 Edition by Jack Enter, Ph.D. Exam for original 2006 1E also available. Excellent leadership title for use in Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain promotions. 150 police promotional testing questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Character and Cops

Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing -Delattre - 6th Edition - 2011. Often used in police sergeant examss. 260+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Civil Liability in Criminal Justice 8E Ross

Civil Liability in Criminal Justice 8th Edition Ross - 2023. Attorney-written exam with 250+ questions. The exam for the 7th and 6th Edition is also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Common Sense Police Supervision

Common Sense Police Supervision - Practical Tips for the First-Line Leader - Gerald W. Garner - 7th Edition 2024. 6th, 5th and 4th Edition exams are also available. Excellent choice for Corporal and Sergeant exams. 360+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Community Policing A Contemporary Perspective - Kappler and Gaines, 8th Edition 2020. 340+ questions. 5th, 6th and 7th Edition exams also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Community Policing Partnerships for Problem Solving

Community Policing Partnerships for Problem Solving - Hess and Miller - 8th Edition - 2018. 310+ questions. 7th and 6th Edition exams also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Community Policing Today 1E Parsons

Community Policing Today: Issues, Controversies and Innovations - Parsons - 1st Edition . 290+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Community and Problem-Oriented Policing - Effectively Addressing Crime and Disorder - Peak 7E

Community and Problem-Oriented Policing - Effectively Addressing Crime and Disorder - Peak and Glensor - 7th edition 2017. 260+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook. 6th Edition exam for this series appears below.

Community Policing and Problem Solving - Strategies and Practices - Peak and Glensor - 6th Edition - 2012.

Community Policing and Problem Solving - Strategies and Practices - Peak and Glensor - 6th Edition - 2012. 200+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook. 7th Edition exam for this series appears above.

Connecticut Law Enforcement Officer's Field Manual - "The Red Book" 2024 Edition as featured by Blue360 Media. Attorney-written exam with 270+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Criminal Investigation - Hess and Orthmann, 12th Edition 2013.

Criminal Investigation - Hess and Orthmann , 12th Edition 2022. 540+ questions - also the 11th, 10th and 9th Edition exams are also available. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Criminal Investigation - Lyman

Criminal Investigation - Lyman , 3rd Edition 2018. 340+ questions. Well written and thorough criminal investigation title used nationwide and also in Canada. Excellent for promotion or competency exams for investigator positions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Criminal Investigation - Swanson, Chamelin, Territo and Taylor, 11th Edition 2011.

Criminal Investigation - Swanson, Territo , 13th Edition 2023. 560+ questions. The new edition of this textbook adds a great deal of new material. The 10th through the 12th Edition exams are also still available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Criminal Investigation - Basic Perspectives

Criminal Investigation - Basic Perspectives , 13th Edition 2015 by Lushbaugh and Weston. 300+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Criminal Investigation - the Art and the Science - Lyman 9th Edition, 2019. 570+ questions. Expanded covereage including the extensive new chapter on Investigation of Officer-Involved Shootings. 8th and 7th Edition exams are also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

District of Columbia - Washington Criminal Law and Procedure December 2021 - Comprehensive 360+ question Attorney-Written exam covers all aspects of Washington D.C. law. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Effective Police Leadership - Moving Beyond Management - Baker, 4th Edition 2017.

Effective Police Leadership - Moving Beyond Management - Baker, 5th Edition 2022. 410+ questions. The exam for the 4th and 3rd Edition is also available. Very popular textbook choice for police sergeant, lieutenant and captain exams. The new 5th edition adds a great deal of new material. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Effective Police Supervision - More and Miller 8th Edition, 2017.

Effective Police Supervision - More and Miller 9th Edition, 2020. 550+ police promotion questions for the new 9th edition of this timely, all-inclusive police supervisory textbook often used in police sergeant and lieutenant exams. Exams for the 8th, 7th, 6th and 5th Editions are also widely used and still available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Effective Supervisory Practices Better Results Through Teamwork

Effective Supervisory Practices - Better Results Through Teamwork - 5th Edition - ICMA Press - 2013. In the police promotion course we have a difficult and comprehensive 300+ question exam for this popular corporal and sergeant promotion testing title. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Emotional Survival For Law Enforcement

Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement - A Guide for Officers and Their Families - Gilmartin Revised Edition 2021. 190+ promotional test questions for this excellent textbook often used in police corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams. This title should be required reading in all law enforcement agencies and in all police academies, with copies for each police family member. Exam also available for the original 1st Edition. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Essentials of the Reid Technique 2E

Essentials of the Reid Technique - Criminal Interrogation and Confessions 2nd Edition by Inbau and Reid. We have a difficult and comprehensive 310+ question exam for this popular Investigator and Detective promotion testing title. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Fixing Broken Windows

Fixing Broken Windows - Kelling and Coles 1st Edition. Comprehensive 200+ question exam for this popular Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain promotion testing title. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Florida Law Enforcement Handbook - 2024 FL State Edition. From Blue360 Media. Attorney-written exam with 340+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

For the Record: Report Writing in Law Enforcement

For the Record: Report Writing in Law Enforcement 6E 2008 - Hess and Orthmann. 260+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation 9E 2019 - O'Hara's 530+ questions. Exam for 8th Edition also available. One of the top choices for Detective promotional exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

High-Risk Patrol

High-Risk Patrol 4 E Garner. 360+ questions. OUTSTANDING textbook with countless survival tips which should be read by all officers. One of the new top choices for FTO, Senior Officer, Corporal and Sergeant promotional exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Illinois Officers Legal Source Book Volume I - the Police Officer's Bible 2019 including the 4th and 5th Amendment and the practical issues section. From Law Enforcement Training LLC. Attorney-written exam with 460+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Intelligence-Led Policing - Jerry Ratcliffe

Intelligence-Led Policing - Jerry Ratcliffe, 2E 2016. 240+ questions. The 1st Edition exam is also available. This title is used extensively around the U.S. in Sergeant and Lieutenant and some Captain promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - by Hess, Orthmann and Cho. 12E 2017. This is a 600+ page work which covers all law enforcement topics and is a popular choice for police Corporal and Sergeant exams . We have a comprehensive 550+ question test available that focuses on the law enforcement subject matter. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Law Enforcement Management - What Works and What Doesn

Law Enforcement Management - What Works and What Doesn't - by Carpenter and Fulton. This is a short and concise work, under 200 pages, and is a p opular choice for police Sergeant and Lieutenant exams. We have a comprehensive 210+ question test available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Law Officer

Law Officer's Pocket Manual - 2024 Edition (380+ questions) and 2023 Edition (380+ questions). Attorney-written exam very popular around the nation for Corporal, Sergeant, Detective and Lieutenant exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Leadership and Management in Police Organizations

Leadership and Management in Police Organizations - Giblin 1E - 2017. 350+ questions. Popular title for Lieutenant, Captain, Commander and upper-management exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Leadership, Ethics, and Policing: Challenges for the 21st Century - Meese and Ortmeier, 2nd Edition 2010.

Leadership, Ethics, and Policing: Challenges for the 21st Century - Meese and Ortmeier, 2nd Edition 2010. 150+ questions. One of the classic works still being used in Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Leading Cops Garner 1E

Leading Cops by Gerald W. Garner - 1st Edition 2016. Exam has 250+ questions. Excellent common-sense and practical guide with a personal and experienced take on police leadership - from basic to advanced personnel and tactical decisions. Excellent choice for police corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Leading Cops in Turbulent Times 1E

Leading Cops in Turbulent Times - by George Saadeh 1st Edition 2018. Exam has 250+ questions. Excellent new title with a personal and well-researched timely perspective on police leadership. Now being used in police sergeant, lieutenant, captain and upper management exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Legal Guide for Police: Constitutional Issues

Legal Guide for Police: Constitutional Issues - 12th Edition. Attorney-written exam with 240+ questions. Often used in police detective, investigator, corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams. The 11th, 10th and 9th Edition exams are also available in the police promotion course. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Local Government Police Management

Local Government Police Management - 4th Edition by ICMA Press. 390+ questions. One of the classic works still being used in Captain and upper management promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement - 7th Edition 2015 by Hess and Orthmann.

Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement - 7th Edition 2015 by Hess and Orthmann. 370+ questions. 6th and 5th Edition exams are also available. Popular title for Sergeant and Lieutenant exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Management and Supervision of Law Enforcement Personnel - Schroeder, Lombardo 5th Edition 2013. 260+ questions. 4th Edition exam is also Available. Also a popular title for Sergeant and Lieutenant exams . Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Managing and Leading Today's Police: Challenges, Best Practices, Case Studies - 4E Peak, Gaines and Glensor. 340+ questions. Very well and tightly written 320-page textbook that thoroughly covers modern police management and leadership. Now a popular title for Lieutenant and Captain exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Managing Police Operations - Implementing the NYPD Crime Control Model Using COMPSTAT - McDonald - 2001.

Managing Police Operations - Implementing the NYPD Crime Control Model Using COMPSTAT - McDonald - 2001. 100+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Managing Police Organizations - Paul M. Whisenand - 8th Edition, 2014.

Managing Police Organizations - Paul M. Whisenand - 8th Edition, 2014. 220+ questions. 7th Edition exam also available. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Michigan Criminal Law and Procedure

Michigan Criminal Law and Procedure - a Handbook for Michigan Police Officers - 5th Edition 2022 by Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Attorney-written exam with 400+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Multicultural Law Enforcement - Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society promotion exam

Multicultural Law Enforcement - Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society - Shusta and Levine - 7th Edition - 2018. 310+ questions. 6th and 5th Edition exams are also available with your police promotional testing membership. Often-used title for police corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

National Incident Management System NIMS 2008

National Incident Management System NIMS 2008 150+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Ohio Criminal and Traffic Field Guide 2023 - from Blue360 Media - 130 total questions in the attorney-written exam. Ohio’s most-often used criminal and traffic laws are broken down into their material elements for exam questions and easy application and reference. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement - More, Wegener, Vito and Walsh 4E 2019 - 420+ questions. Exam for 3rd Edition 2012 also available. This is an in-depth management and administration textbook often used for Police Captain promotion exams as well as other upper-management positions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Paradoxes of Leadership in Police Management , First Edition, Perez 2011 300+ questions. Great choice for Police Captain promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Pennsylvania Criminal Law Criminal Law Digest of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Legal Exams - Crimes Code of Pennsylvania AND Criminal Law Digest and Legal Guidelines of Pennsylvania - 2024 Edition - from LexisNexis. The yearly editions of both titles are combined into one comprehensive and difficult Attorney-written exam with 400+ questions. The promotional exam for the 2023 edition exam is also available. Enroll now- Order the textbooks.

Performance Based Management for Police Organizations

Performance Based Management for Police Organizations , O'Connell 2007. 135+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Administration - A Leadership Approach Ortmeier

Police Administration - A Leadership Approach - Ortmeier, Davis 1st Edition 2012. 220+ questions. Popular choice for Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotion exams, or as an add-on Leadership title. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Administration - Gaines, Worrall, 3rd Edition 2012.

Police Administration - Gaines, Worrall , 3rd Edition 2012. 300+ questions. Popular choice for Captain promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Administration - Fyfe, Greene, Walsh and Wilson 5th Edition 1997.

Police Administration - Wilson, Fyfe, Greene, and Walsh 5th Edition 1997. 340+ questions. One of the classic textbooks featuring O.W. Wilson's work, and still being used in Captain and Lieutenant promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Administration - Cordner 11E

Police Administration - Cordner 11th Edition 2023. 430+ questions in the police promotion course. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Edition exams also available. This title is used extensively around the U.S. in Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Administration: Structures, Processes and Behaviors - 8th Edition 2012 by Swanson, Territo, and Taylor.

Police Administration: Structures, Processes and Behaviors - 10th Edition 2021 by Swanson, Taylor, Territo and Liederbach. 540+ questions. 9th, 8th and 7th Edition exams also available with your police promotional testing membership. This title is very popular for Lieutenant, Captain and upper police management promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Police Community Relations and the Administration of Justice - Hunter, 9th Edition 380+ questions. Exam for the 8th Edition also available with 300+ questions. Used in both Sergeant and Lieutenant promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Ethics - a Matter of Character - Perez and Moore, 2nd Edition 2013.

Police Ethics - a Matter of Character - Perez and Moore, 2nd Edition 2013. 160+ questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Ethics - The Corruption of Noble Cause - Caldero and Crank - 3rd Edition - 2010.

Police Ethics - The Corruption of Noble Cause - Caldero 4th Edition - 2018. 230+ questions. Exam for the 3rd Edition also available. Often used in police sergeant promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Field Operations - Thomas Adams, 8th Edition.

Police Field Operations - Thomas Adams, 8th Edition. 7th Edition also available. Popular title for police corporal and sergeant exams. 200+ police promotion questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Field Operations Theory Meets Practice 3E

Police Field Operations Theory Meets Practice - Birzer. 3rd Edition 2019 500+ police promotion questions. 2nd Edition exam also available. A comprehensive title covering all aspects of police field operations and a very popular textbook for police corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams.
Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Leadership and Administration first edition Walsh Vito 2018

Police Leadership and Administration: A 21st-Century Strategic Approach - Walsh and Vito First Edition 2018. 380+ police promotion exam questions. This is a comprehensive management and administration textbook covering all aspects of modern police crime control, leadership and managment theory, and a very popular textbook for police lieutenant, captain and upper-management promotion exams.
Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Leadership - M.R. Haberfeld 2nd Edition 2013.

Police Leadership - Organizational and Managerial Decision Making Process - M.R. Haberfeld 2nd Edition 2013. 100+ police promotion questions. 1st Edition also available. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Leadership Redefined

Police Leadership Redefined - The EQ Advantage by Gene Reid, Ph.D. 120+ police promotion exam questions. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

The Police Manager - Green - Lynch - 9th Edition

The Police Manager - Green - Lynch - 9th Edition 2024 - 370+ police promotion questions. 8th and 7th Edition exams also available with your police promotional testing membership. This title is very popular for Lieutenant and Captain and higher promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Management - Roy Roberg, Kuykendall and Novak - 3rd Edition, 2002.

Police Management - Roy Roberg , Kuykendall and Novak - 3rd Edition, 2002. 300+ questions. One of the classic works still being used in Captain and upper management promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Police Patrol Operations and Management - Hale, 3rd Edition 2003.

Police Patrol Operations and Management - Hale, 3rd Edition 2003. 285+ questions. One of the classic works still being used in Sergeant and Lieutenant promotion exams. Enroll now- Order the textbook.

Police Supervision and Management: In An Era of Community Policing - Third Edition 2010 by Kenneth J. Peak.

Police Supervision and Management: In An Era of Community Policing - Third Edition 2010 by Kenneth J. Peak. 150+ questions. Used extensively in both Sergeant and Lieutenant promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

The President

The President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing - Final Report - 2015 . 140+ questions. Enroll now - Download the textbook.

Proactive Police Management - Thibault, Lynch and McBride - 9th Edition 2015.

Proactive Police Management - Thibault, Lynch and McBride - 9th Edition 2015. 8th Edition exam also available. Often used for police lieutenant exams . 310+ questions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Problem Oriented Policing - Herman Goldstein - 1990.

Problem Oriented Policing - Herman Goldstein - 1990. 100+ questions. The textbook that started POP, still used today for Sergeant and Lieutenant promotions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice

Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice - 4th Edition by Jay Albanese. 200+ questions. Excellent textbook in use for Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotions. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Reducing Crime a Companion for Police Leaders

Reducing Crime - a Companion for Police Leaders - 1st Edition by Jerry Ratcliffe. 220+ questions. A very detailed and well researched but easy to read treatment of modern crime control strategies surrounding the concept of evidence-based policing. Great choice for Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and upper-management promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Rising Through The Ranks Mike Wynn promotion exam

Rising Through The Ranks - 1st Edition by Mike Wynn. 180+ questions. A short but very persuasive and descriptive work on leadership, management and related topics, teaching with real stories of leadership and courage. Great choice for Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Stratified Policing 1E Santos

Stratified Policing - An Organizational Model for Proactive Crime Reduction and Accountability - 1st Edition by Roberto and Rachel Santos. 200+ questions. A very focused, well-researched roadmap on how to convert an existing agency structure to focus everyone on crime reduction. Small changes by rank and division made to daily activities that will build a comprehensive and focused approach. Excellent choice for Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Supervision of Police Personnel - 10th Edition by Iannone. Exams for editions 6, 7, 8 and 9 are also available with your police promotional testing membership. 470+ questions. New 10th edition exam expanded with over 100 new questions covering new topic areas and new chapters. One of the longest-standing and most-often used textbooks for police sergeant and lieutenant exams across the U.S. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Supervising Police Personnel 8E

Supervising Police Employees in the Twenty-First Century 1st Edition by Garner.
220+ questions. A newer book with excellent informaiton for the new supervisor. Often used textbook for police sergeant exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Supervising Police Personnel 8E

Supervising Police Personnel - Strengths-Based Leadership 8th Edition by Whisenand.
Exam for the 7th Edition is also available. 250+ questions. One of the most-often used textbooks for police sergeant and lieutenant exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Texas Law Enforcement Legal Exam

Texas Criminal and Traffic Law Manual 2023-2024 from Blue360 Media. Includes new legal guidelines section. Attorney-written exam with 500 questions. 2021-2022 exam is also available. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Maxwell 2022 - 25th Anniversary Edition. 340+ questions . One of the top new choices for Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotional exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

The Leadership Challenge 7E

The Leadership Challenge 7E - How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations - Kouzes and Posner - 340+ questions . One of the top new choices for Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotional exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Texas Law Enforcement Legal Exam

T he New World of Police Accountability 3E Walker - Highly detailed, hard-hitting and thorough textbook for mid and upper management promotional exams covering research, background and implementation of all aspects of the new age of police accountability we are in. A detailed look at all accountability systems. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

District of Columbia Criminal Code and Procedure December 2016

Washington D.C. Criminal Law and Procedure December 2021 - Comprehensive 360+ question Attorney-Written exam covers all aspects of Washington D.C. law. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail

Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail - 3rd Edition O'Hara. 200+ questions. Exam for the 2nd edition also available. This textbook is used in Lieutenant, Captain and upper management promotion exams. Enroll now - Order the textbook.

Workplace Gold 1E Glidden 2020

Workplace Gold - 1E Glidden 2020 - 200+ questions. This is an excellent newer resource being used in Sergeant and Lieutenant promotion exams. It is full of non-theoretical, practical strategies to developing your leadership styles and improving police officer performance. Enroll now - Order the textbook.